Admin assets

New folder with the version 0.3.0 !

Scripts and Styles for admin editor

In this folder, you can generate js script file for Gutenberg editor.

The files are compilated with vite.js, like the assets for the front.

The files are in admin/assets/js for JavaScript and in admin/assets/css for CSS.

Important ! the .js files are only injected in page with Gutenberg Editor. The CSS files are injected in all administration.

You have a example in admin/assets/js/visibility.jsx for extend core/group block.

Command for dev and build

You have two mode :

Mode dev:

npm run dev:admin
yarn dev:admin
pnpm dev:admin

Mode build (production):

npm run build:admin
yarn build:admin
pnpm build:admin
When you run the general command for build npm run build, this assets are as well compilated. This files are automatically imported

Login customisation

Bonus ! You have a admin/assets/css/custom-login.css file for customize the login page. This file isn't preprocessed. Use only standard css